4.13.2007 @ 3:45:00 PM
First comes first
So this is my first post eh?
Well.. I'm not really new in first posts, considering that I have had a first blog, which I've been keeping for, like, three years now. But I'd love to have changes, so I tried this one out. Silly, huh?
Hhrrmm.. Let's see.. How do I start this one now? Well, I'm Katy. I'm 16 years old and I'm from the Philippines. Yey! I'm starting bio-data now!! LOL.
Anyway, my main interests are music and photography. I play the guitar, the keyboard, sing, and soon I'll be doing violins now! I write songs which is my way of outputting my emotions and moods. Apparently, I write about everything: love, hatred (i think I write better hate songs than love songs.. hihi!), anger, horror.. uh, do I have to say everything? 'Cause I mean, EVERYTHING.
I guess, being an art enthusiast, I've delve deep into photograhy also. I just love taking pictures. Even pictures of people I don't even know!!
Oh, well... Maybe that's life. And that's me. :3
Labels: artist, arts, de ocampo, enthusiast, filipino, katy, people, philippines, photography, pictures, songs, writing
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