5.17.2008 @ 6:54:00 PM
You are. Impossible.
Dear Killer,
For the second time, I lost myself out there. I know. I know. It was my fault. I could have just listened to you, for Pete Wentz's sake. I just couldn't believe it pulled the trigger on me oh so soon, I wasn't even ready yet. I lost it. Was always my fault, you know.
I wish, for sometime in my pathetic little life, it doesn't have to be me. But like they all say, we live, we learn. It sucks. What frustrates me more is that I never learn anyway. Maybe when I'm hopelessly all out of anything in this world, I could probably say so. But no. I already said that a million times.
I know. This too shall pass. But it creeps in too often than I thought. What do you think I should do? Now that I could not believe any longer, the pain caught up with me and is now stabbing me mercilessly to death. And I can't cry for that. Was too late. Too late, I tell you.
And I feel horrible..
Wait. You're a killer, right? Why don't I suggest you to kill me now? Oh, that would be lovely. It shall surely be my pleasure.
I know I'm practically boring you now. But I really just need someone to talk to. So bad.
Well. Have a good day. :)
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