8.28.2007 @ 2:18:00 PM
Excuse Slip, Form # 481516
This is an excuse slip presented by a student which was written by her rather.. emotional mom. NOTE : Not real. Niko and I just came up with it for fun. Wootwoot!! :))
Dear Ms. Takas:
Please (if it is indeed possible) excuse my somber daughter for being unexplicably absent for the past few days due to HEARTBREAK CATASTROPHE. She has been experiencing total wreck and paranoia, since her significant other wanted to depart unaccepted ways with her. This specific event crushed (and is as now) her heart, causing much damage and inequities in her, ever so gushing out blood and deteriorating sane.
I do not know at all what to do. I would stare blankly at her, as she keep on stating that she wants to jump over a tower, to end this bias nightmare and to forget she ever lives again. Much tears spurted out her eyes, but still not enough to fill the emptiness she feels inside, begging for sympathetic mercy.
It was all too much. I could not bear it. She could not bear it. Why is this happening? Why? Why? Why?
Anyhow, I think she is pretending to be fine now. (If pretending can do any better to conclude to rather poignant sorrow-slash-misery bussiness.)
Pleading for your kind consideration. Thank you.
Bleeding inside,
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