5.22.2008 @ 9:25:00 AM
I SCREECHED. Literally. I screeched my lungs out while banging my hands on the sofa after Seacrest mouthed the words. Yes.
David Cook is AMERICAN IDOL. I most probably can tell my fellow Cook fans also lost their voices this morning. But I'm pretty sure I was the best Cook screecher ever.
I must say, though, that I do pity little Gaspy. 'Course, he did count on Cowell's grand sacred opinion that he actually won last night. But it's real good ain't nobody really listens to that Freak whose hair must have been parted by Moses (as Kimmel noted). Besides, nobody wants Jeff Archuleta hanging around, although we could use a little entertainment from him. Preeow!
It took such a long time for them to stall. Like, give us the frickin results already! Man. But it was worth the wait, you know. Plus watching OneRepublic wipe Gaspy the vocals out was amazing. Oh, and don't forget about the Jonas Brothers. I hafta say, they don't really rock, but aren't they the greatest dropdead kids EVERR? Oh yeah!
What takes me most to my awe is that Cook's brother, whose fault is having him auditioned, is actually also very very hott. Giving his name would be lovely, thankyouverymuch.
Anyway, to wrap it all up, we're all frickin happy of the results, and I must say, America made the right--no, excellent choice. And if you're not, well, you're probably Gaspy. :)
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