9.06.2007 @ 5:48:00 PM
Need new BANDS/ARTISTS! Rawr.
Ohkaaaaaaaaay. So here's the deal.
I'm so suckishly bored with overplayed playlists and alibis. I need new ONES. before they become waaaaaaaay overplayed.
I need NEW ones. You hear? NEW. Ones.
So. If you happen to know any bands of techno+punk+rock, or whatever in the frickin' world they call it (saaay, Pedicab), local, foreign, world, ethnic (LOL), whatever in the frickin' world they are, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE (me so desperaado) give it to me. Through comments. Or PMs. Or whatever in the frickin' world it is that pleases you best.
If I don't get them, i'll lose my sanity.
LOL. Ohkay, so I acted off the board. But you just gotta help me, man.
Pretty please??? *insert pleading eyes here with batting of eyelashes and stuff*
Thanks. Thanks. Much thanks! :D
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