3.30.2011 @ 6:45:00 PM
The Way the Cookie Crumbles

Sometimes, it's just so hard to be a girl. Sometimes you think about that 50-50 percent chance of you being a dude instead, but you missed it. By jove, you just missed it.
Sometimes, horrible things happen like falling pancakes from the sky. You just sit there and you watch pancake rain fall on everything and everybody. And because you forgot your umbrella, there's just nothing else to do but to wait for the world to rain something else.
Sometimes, you memorize names like you think they memorize yours. But a special pop quiz is given, and you find out. Hey. Memorizing means nothing at all.
Sometimes, you look for things under your bed and in the inner corners of your closet, and you find things that takes you to a ride in a time machine. And you not only wish time machines were true, you wish they could help you undo things.
Sometimes, you look at the world. And then you see nothing.
And sometimes, when you send letters to the void, you realize, there's somebody out there after all.
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