6.15.2007 @ 5:55:00 PM
malayong malapet
the doldrama - the past three days
the dance - a new hillsong playlist. yey!
the first few days of COLLEGE LIFE is undeniably, irrefutably, indisputably, positively, unspeakably, certainly, and a hundred percent definitely idiosyncratic. in short. WEIRD.
i rode the lrt from santolan to gilmore with great fear and agonizing fret. for the first time in my entire life, i'm on my own. wearing a "colejiala" uniform from st. paul (NOTE: don't forget about the necktie!). in black high heels. and a look from a freshman's face, seemingly filled with anxiousness and various expectations and demanding questions in mind.
for the light rail train to arrive.
finally, after four long... minutes, it did. and board the train i did. and pretty soon i found myself strolling as fast as i can to get to school on time (after boarding the train, you have to walk, say... a few meters to get there. argh!), and blah blah blah. moving on to the good part.
i entered the classroom for my first class. and the WEIRD stuff begins. to begin with, we, the college students, are hereby ordered to never call the professors as "teachers". why? i DON'T KNOW! i'm a freshman.
fresh. weird, huh?
i met new people, yeah. and currently i'm hanging out with this group of uhm... unique people. a boy-hunter. a fashionista. a tree-swinger. a goatie guy (or a guy with a goatie). and an evident womanizer. ahaha. so far we've traveled wide enough. if by wide, you mean gateway (a few stations away). lol..
the second day just keeps getting on WEIRDER. and that, i wore HIGHER heels. pretty practical, huh? for someone who got home with blisters on the feet, that is! lol... anyway, while riding this fx taxi to santolan, i just realized i was starting to have a bad day. why? ask that huge man beside me! my space was like a few inches, and my necktie (oh my!) was in disarray! due to that, while hopping out of the fx, i forgot to shut the door. and the man shot me some nasty look. hey, WASN'T MY FAULT he has to shut it himself. lol...
but i'm not done yet, see. this prof (uh-huh...) of mine in english was pure terror. he looked like peter parker *with the glasses and stuff*, only a little more serious--no, a whole lot serious. and guess what. I MISTOOK HIM FOR OUR THEOLOGY TEACH--I MEAN, PROF!! oh, the shame!! me so stupid. haha. anyway, i don't think he noticed it anyway... lesson learned: just shut up.
although today may only have been the third day of this "college" life, i've realized a few pointers to kick me off.
one, college is not about "cute" anymore. it's more like "cut". coz you're so dead tired.
two, bandages are very helpful! very true! (especially when it comes to pointy, killer shoes) oh, and don't forget to bring extras!
three, never call an lrt with your hand extending like calling a taxi. why? duh.
four, never stand up when you're reciting.
five, dorks will always be dorks. and nerds will always be nerds. so don't be a jerk. or you'll always be a jerk.
six, never mistake your english professor for your theology teacher. coz theology and english are far worlds, you know.
seven, never say ever. coz it doesn't makes sense at all.
eight, bill gates is so rich he eats rich. period.
nine, the job of an inspector is to stick a drumstick inside your bag and take it back. the end.
and numbah
ten, be yourself. (everybody wears the same thing everyday in your entire attendance, and standing out is something.)
i may not know what the rest of the days will be like in this strange, unfamiliar world. i just hope it will be familiar to me one day.
dance dance,
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