1.24.2010 @ 12:53:00 AM
Nostalgia/Lame Title
Hello. It is me, Kira. And it has been a LOOONG time since I wrote a blog post here. Funny that I almost forgot I actually have a multiply account.
Anyhow, should you find it weird for me to admit that I have been going through my other posts--stuff that I wrote when I was incredibly un-sweet 16, don't. Nostalgia isn't to be said. It is to be felt. Such a word, isn't it? Nostalgia.
It kinda reminds me of my nose bridge. Like when you sniff something, and you're like: oh I'm feeling nostalgic already!
But what's funny about it is that with nostalgia, you can actually see how much things have changed. How things before are way,
WAAAAAAAAY different than how things are going today.
In precisely seven months, I shall be turning 20. And I know it's pretty early for me to worry that I am ACTUALLY no longer to be considered a teen, I must say that things
have changed. Things have, indeed, changed for me.
I no longer write about my English professor who happened to be my "crush". Or the boy who said this and that. Or how my salad tasted like. Or how Gateway was the best place ever. Even the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to me, like falling face down from the FX.
The downside is, I forget. I forget things when I should have blogged it down, or pasted it on my forehead. I can't remember the last time I felt horrible and happy at the same time. And that's one of the things I used to love to write. And now I write about the most hideous things like papers or the Boy Made of Pandesal.
But the good part--the part where Owen Wilson comes in, things are changing for the better. Sure, things are just... wack. They are, but just for now. Now that I am slowly growing and maturing. Like learning how to walk for the very first time, and feeling very afraid to take that step when you might fall (yet again). And still, for some reason, undoubtedly know there's something very awesome beyond that step.
Sometimes, I do feel afraid. But I remember what God said in James 1:2-4 that "whenever trouble comes your way, let it be an opportunity for joy... Your endurance has a chance to grow... For when your endurance is fully developed, you will be strong in character and ready for anything."
Complete, and lacking nothing. And that's what I am most holding on to. That's what we all should.
"I'm in repair. I'm not together, but I'm getting there." - John Mayer
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