6.11.2007 @ 1:38:00 PM
new haircut
after waiting for two long years of mom allowing me to have a new 'do, i finally have it!
i remember the good ol' days with my long layered hair that i've been sporting since 9th grade, and it was such a bummer since i'm soooo bored with it.
i tried coloring my hair, which is why people ask me if i'm a naturally brown-haired, but it was still boring, it can put me to sleep. (NOTE: i am naturally, although dyeing my hair made it "worse").
so then, i tried maintaining my side-swept bangs which i've been keeping since a kid. (way before people think side-swept bangs are hot.) and i realized the population of gurls wearing bangs developed.
hate it.
i need to do something.
i need to convince mom.
to allow me.
to get.
and i finally got it!!! LOL.
here's a before and after view. wahaha.

funny. i rarely post anything about my hair. but i'm happy about it. it's new change. and change need not mean losing something, but doing something.
safe sailing,
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