9.29.2007 @ 7:43:00 PM
Thanks to Josh. LOL.
Pretty much these are some of the weirdest stuff I personally think dudes and dudettes ain't know about me yet. And pretty soon I'll run out of them. Like, LOL.
1. I like techno. I like disco headlights. I like dancing like some crazy.. person. But I don't party.
2. Gym class is KILLING me.
3. I sometimes have to actually tell myself to breathe. Especially when...
4. I miss somebody. Real bad. And no. IT'S NOT HIM.
5. I'm not taken. But I'm definitely stolen. :3
6. I don't know what's with guys in long hair. I really really don't.
7. I fear the fear of fear. And that's pretty bad.
8. I usually write when I'm OUT OF ORDER.
So. That's it. Last time I checked, I haven't actually tagged ANYONE yet. So this time, I'm taking it.
I now taggggggggggggg..... : Brucey, VonBon, Ming, Niko, Aica, Karla, Mishi, and Ticia. :)
Ready... Set... Go.
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